The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research set a number of conditions for the admission of university students to obtain mandatory coronavirus vaccine, before starting the new academic year.
Al-Masry Al-Youm reported the five steps required by new students to conduct a medical examination for new students at universities and obtain the vaccine,:
1- The student applying for the medical examination should register on the website of the Ministry of Health in order to reserve the vaccine and obtain it at the same time of the medical examination at the university through the following link.
The student must keep the 20-digit code that shows on the website after registering.
2- The student should use the following link to book a medical examination appointment.
3- The student registers their data, which is the name, national number, college and gender, and then prints the medical examination form, on which the examination date is specified by day and hour.
4- Students attending the medical examination must bring the medical examination form printed from the website, a copy of the university ID card, and the national ID card.
5- Students need to stick to the date and timing of the medical examination according to the printed form. Examinations will be conducted from nine am to three pm.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm