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Here’s all you need to know about obtaining a Schengen visa in 2024

Interest in obtaining a Schengen visa has risen due to its many advantages, including travel to any of the 29 European countries that are a member of the Schengen area.


Conditions for obtaining a Schengen visa:

The conditions stipulate a logical reason to obtain the visa, submitted to the competent authorities. Accordingly, there are many types of Schengen visas:

  • Tourist visa: This type of visa requires proven financial readiness, and it is preferable to have proof that you prefer to travel and visit tourist places.
  • Medical visa: You need to have a medical condition that requires you to visit European centers, with proof of the ability to bear the financial and travel expenses.


Documents required to obtain a Schengen visa

  1. Certificate showing travel movements during the past six months.
  2. Active bank statement for the last six months.
  3. Provide the required documents in the language of the mother country to obtain a Schengen visa.
  4. Health insurance policy worth at least 30,000 euros from insurance companies in the country you are traveling to.
  5. Receipt confirming payment of the online booking appointment fee.
  6. Official letter from the employer including all information in the event that employees travel.
  7. Translated copy of the commercial registry and tax card in the case of business travel.
  8. University registration certificate, guardian’s approval, and birth certificate in case students travel.
  9. Passport valid for six months, containing at least two blank pages.
  10. Two personal photos with a white background.
  11. The official invitation to visit if a citizen invites you.
  12. Round-trip travel reservations to prove the intention to return on the specified date.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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