Ticket prices to visit archaeological sites and museums inside Egypt have witnessed a significant increase, as the fees for visiting the Khufu Pyramid from the inside have risen by 50 percent for Egyptian, Arab and foreign visitors.
The Supreme Council of Antiquities approved the amendment of fees for visiting the Khufu Pyramid from the inside, during its session held during August.
The new prices for visiting the Khufu Pyramid from the inside will be applied starting from January 1, 2025, and are scheduled as the following:
- Foreign visitor: LE 1500 ($30.26) instead of LE 900 ($18.16).
- Foreign student: LE 750 ($15.13) instead of LE 450 ($9.08).
- Egyptian visitor: LE 150 ($3.03) instead of LE 100 ($2.02).
- Egyptian student: LE 75 ($1.51) instead of LE 50 ($1.01).
This increase comes within the state’s efforts to improve services provided to visitors and enhance the financial resources of archaeological sites.
The Pyramid of Khufu is considered one of the most prominent historical landmarks in Egypt, which is popular with tourists from abroad and Egyptians alike.
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism has also made available a service to book tickets to visit and enter archaeological sites and museums located in 17 governorates and cities across the country, through the official website.