The Director of the Health Affairs Directorate in Menoufia Governorate, Mohamed Fawzy confirmed on Sunday the existence of a small number of cases infected with the Hepatitis A virus – all of which were successfully treated.
Fawzy’s statements are his first comment regarding the discovery of Hepatitis A infections in the village of Talbant Abshish in the Bagour Center.
According to Fawzy, the General Administration of Preventive Medicine, in cooperation with the Preventive Medicine Department in the Bagour Administration, took all the preventive measures necessary to follow up on suspected cases of Hepatitis A virus infections.
He stressed that the directorate is following up the matter daily, and that no new cases have been detected so far.
Water samples are being taken periodically, he said, adding that food inspections campaigns are being intensified and samples are being taken for analysis.
The Menoufia Health Affairs Directorate called on citizens to avoid eating food of unknown origin or from street vendors, and follow general hygiene guidelines such as washing hands, while obtaining information from its official sources and avoid unverified rumors.
A medical source confirmed that the number of infections did not exceed 15 cases in three months, which is an increase of two or three cases from the usual.
Report with infections was submitted to the Health and Population ministry and the preventive medicine team at the health directorate followed up on it, the source said, adding that samples were taken from the water, especially the groundwater, and some food, but the source of these infections has not yet been uncovered.