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Heatwave strikes Egypt until Thursday with temps up to 40C: EMA

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) warned of a heatwave starting on Saturday until Thursday with temperatures recording their highest levels and exceeding the 40C barrier.

The EMA expects very hot weather during the day on Saturday in Cairo, Lower Egypt, South Sinai, and the southern parts of the country, while hot on the northern coasts.

The weather will be more moderate at night and early in the morning north of the country, while temperatures will be hotter in South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt.

Intermittent wind activity is expected in areas of Greater Cairo, Lower Egypt, and the eastern coasts, potentially blowing up sands and dust in South Sinai and the southern parts of the country, especially in open areas.

EMA advised everyone to take the necessary measures to deal with high temperatures, such as drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding direct exposure to sunlight during peak hours, and following up on the updates of weather forecast during this heat wave.

Temperatures expected on Saturday:

  • Alexandria: 29C
  • Hurghada: 30C
  • Sharm el-Sheikh: 36C
  • Cairo: 40C
  • Luxor and Aswan: 42C

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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