Egypt’s Ministry of Health called on citizens to stay home if they feel any acute respiratory symptoms.
It also urged all citizens to register on its official website for coronavirus vaccination, to help reach its aim of vaccinating 40 percent of the population by the end of this year.
Reports from the Ministry of Health revealed high rates of recovery from the coronavirus at isolation hospitals, reaching 86 percent.
The ministry implored all citizens to follow precautionary measures such as wearing masks, constantly washing hands, staying away from crowds and practicing social distancing.
Maximum alert will continue across all governorates to follow up the epidemiological situation, it added.
The Ministry of Health provided a set of guidelines for addressing seasonal influenza, stressing the importance of washing hands with soap and water constantly before eating, after leaving the toilet, after coughing and sneezing, and after touching used tissues.
The ministry added that the jaw and nose must not be covered with one’s hands when coughing or sneezing, but rather with paper tissues that should be disposed after use.