According to the MENA agency, Ambassador James Moran, Head of European Union Delegation to Egypt said that the desalination of seawater should be part of the Egyptian dream, adding that the EU helps in conducting feasibility studies for the construction of desalination stations.
Speaking at a workshop "Support to the National Water Resources Plan" on Sunday, Moran said the only challenge is the high cost of such stations.
Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Hossam Moghazy said many tourist resorts in the north-west coast built desalination stations for themselves as per his request.
The European Union and Egypt signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the Joint Integrated Sector Approach (JISA) on the sidelines of the workshop, marking EU's support to the donor coordination and investment harmonization efforts in the water sector. The EU-Egypt cooperation in the water sector involves a wide portfolio of programmes across nine governorates, with a total of 350 million euros of funding.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm