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Government increases electricity prices across Egypt

The Ministry of Electricity on Monday announced a new increase in electricity consumption bracket prices, starting from Saturday for prepaid meters.

The new increase in the brackets will be collected in the September bill for old and mechanical meters.

The increase in electricity bracket prices came as a result of the increase in the price of producing a kilowatt-hour and the increase in the dollar price, coinciding with the government’s decision to stop implementing the load shedding plan until the end of the summer, which cost the state approximately US$1.2 billion.


New electricity bracket prices

  • First bracket: From zero to 50 kilowatt-hour for 68 piasters instead of 58 piasters, an increase of 17 percent.
  • Second bracket: From 51 kilowatt-hour to 100 kilowatt-hour for 78 piasters instead of 68 piasters, an increase of 15 percent.
  • Third bracket: From zero to 350 kilowatt-hours for 95 piasters instead of 83 piasters, an increase of 14 percent.
  • Fourth bracket: From 101 kilowatt-hours to 350 kilowatt-hours for 155 piasters instead of 125 piasters, an increase of 24 percent.
  • Fifth bracket: From 350 kilowatt-hours to 650 kilowatt-hours for 195 piasters instead of 140 piasters, an increase of 39 percent.
  • Sixth bracket: From more than 650 kilowatt hours to 1000 kilowatt hours at LE 2.10 instead of 140 piasters, an increase of 50 percent – when consumption exceeds 650 kilowatt hours, LE 378 is deducted as a difference in brackets.
  • Seventh bracket: For more than 1000 kilowatt hours, it is calculated from zero at LE 2.23 pounds instead of 165 piasters, an increase of 35 percent.


An end to the load-shedding

The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in Egypt announced early in July that electricity cuts will be suspended starting from July 21 until the end of summer on September 21.

This will last for a period of about 63 days, as the Prime Minister announced in previous statements.

Ministry spokesperson Hamdi Abdel-Aziz explained that up to 21 liquefied gas shipments will arrive in Egypt during July, August, and September in addition to other shipments of diesel to solve the electricity outage crisis.

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