Germany provided the World Food Program in Egypt, within the framework of the “One World without Hunger” initiative, with an additional 20 million euros, bringing the volume of its contribution to the program to a total amount of 110 million euros.
Germany becomes the largest contributor to the World Food Program in Egypt at the bilateral level.
Allocating this amount aims to provide food security for the most vulnerable segments of the population and enhance their ability to resist the current crises.
The Ambassador of Germany to Egypt Frank Hartmann said that: “We are all currently not only experiencing the effects of climate change, but also the consequences of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The Russian use of food as a weapon of war has exacerbated hunger worldwide.
Here in Egypt, too, we stand by the side of all those who are now struggling with the consequences. Such shocks usually hit hardest those people who already live on the subsistence level; we must not forget them.
I am therefore very pleased that we are sending a strong signal with our contribution and that we can support so many people in Egypt together with our partners from the WFP.”
Germany has been committed to global food security and the implementation of the human right to adequate food for decades. The fight against malnutrition and malnutrition is a priority of German humanitarian aid and development cooperation and has become even more important in view of the recent global challenges. Both short-term food aid and projects for a sustainable improvement in food security play a role here.
The German contribution to the World Food Program in Egypt is made up of various components: The country strategy, which is set to run for several years, focuses on strengthening national capacities to eliminate the causes of food insecurity while at the same time meeting humanitarian needs.
There are also other DEU individual contributions for special projects or special groups, such as within the framework of the initiative “ONE WORLD without hunger”. This was set up by the BMZ and implements over 300 projects in various countries with the implementing organizations KfW and GIZ. Egypt is one of them.
The projects address the structural causes of hunger and poverty and are intended to promote prosperity, particularly in rural areas.