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GERD dam dispute escalates as Egypt warns of serious consequences

Egypt will continue to closely monitor developments regarding the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affair Badr Abdel-Aty, affirmed on Saturday during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Abdel-Aty emphasized that “Egypt reserves all its rights enshrined in the United Nations Charter to take the necessary measures to defend the interests and survival of the Egyptian people.”

He added, “Anyone who thinks that Egypt will turn a blind eye or tolerate a threat to its existence is mistaken.”

The minister pointed out that even despite Egypt’s sincerest efforts, Ethiopia has insisted on procrastinating, intransigence, distorting facts, and attempting to impose a fait accompli by constructing and operating the dam in violation of international law and without regard for its impact on the lives of millions in Sudan and Egypt.

Abdel-Aty stated that the principle of sharing and responsibility must come with a rejection of a unilateral approach to managing international water resources and resolving disputes arising therefrom.

Cooperation with Nile Basin countries is the cornerstone of Egypt’s approach to finding the best ways to manage shared water resources in a manner that benefits all, he assured, done so in accordance with the rules of international law to achieve equitable and reasonable utilization and without causing harm to downstream countries.


‘There will be no leniency’

Tensions have risen between Cairo and Addis Ababa after the failure of all negotiations over the Nile River waters due to the GERD project.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdel-Aati stressed on Tuesday that there will be no leniency, tolerance or concession regarding the Nile River’s water, as it is an existential issue directly related to Egyptian national security.

He stressed that not a single drop of Nile water can be squandered, because what his country is getting now is not enough.

Earlier in September, Abdel-Aati addressed a letter to the President of the United Nations Security Council rejecting the recent statements of Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed regarding the fifth phase of filling GERD.

The letter renewed Egypt’s categorical rejection of Ethiopian unilateral policies that violate the rules and principles of international law, and constitute a clear violation of the Declaration of Principles agreement and the Presidential Statement of the Security Council on September 15, 2021.

He added that Ethiopia seeks to legitimize its unilateral policies that contradict international law, and hide behind baseless claims that these policies are based on the right of peoples to development.

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