The head of the Constitution Party in Egypt, Gameela Ismail, announced her readiness to run in the upcoming presidential elections in Egypt.
The final decision will be announced during the political party’s meeting, she added.
“The Supreme Committee of the Constitution Party will convene to announce the position of the party leader on running for president of the republic, and will submit a letter to the National Elections Authority regarding guarantees of the integrity of the electoral process, freedom of elections, and the safety and security of those in charge of the candidates’ campaigns during the elections and until the results are announced,” Ismail said in a statement.
Ismail also listed several points for her campaign:
- “We are still discussing the feasibility of the decision and its political necessity with wide and diverse circles inside and outside the party so that participation is an impetus for the politicization of society or the boycott is a refusal to turn democracy into a formal wedding.”
- “The elections are an opportunity for change…not for extension.”
- “This requires the beginning of a climate in which agencies or governments do not target candidates’ phones, invade their privacy, or arrest members of their campaigns.”
- “Freedom of movement, security and safety of the active circles surrounding the candidate during the elections and after the announcement of results, and civilian monitoring standards imposed by the Constitution are essential conditions for the decision.”
- “The final position will be decided during the party’s general assembly.”
The list of candidates in Egypt after Ismail’s announcement now includes the head of the Wafd Party Abdel Sanad Yamama, the head of the Conservative Party Akmal Qortam, and former member of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Tantawy.
Egyptian presidential elections 2024
Article 140 of the constitution stipulates that the Egyptian presidential election procedures must begin at least 120 days before the end of the presidential term, and the results must be announced at least 30 days before the end of this period.
Lawyer Tarek al-Awadi said that the last presidential elections were in 2018 and their results were announced on April 2, 2018, and this necessarily entails that the procedures for the next presidential elections begin at the end of this year in accordance with the constitution and the law.
Awadi clarified that the matter is not holding early presidential elections, as some claim, and this is the entitlements of the constitution, not a personal viewpoint.
The president in Egypt is elected for a six-year term, and he may not hold the presidency for more than two consecutive presidential terms.
According to previous western reports, the current President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi wants to advance the date of the elections, but this is the first time that an announcement in this regard be issued from within the political system, and from Representative Bakri.
The presidential candidate is required to be endorsed by at least 20 members of the House of Representatives, or to obtain signatures of support from at least 25,000 citizens.
The President in Egypt is elected by direct secret ballot.