Sakina Fouad, former presidential adviser for women's affairs to Morsy, said Egypt was facing a "global war led by the United States, international Zionism, regional powers, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups."
"Plots are being hatched in Africa to deprive Egyptians, weapons are being supplied to armed groups and arrangements are being made to break the sole remaining army in the region after the loss of Iraqi and Syrian armies," Fouad said on Friday in an interview with Al-Arab, a pan-Arab newspaper published from London.
"Egypt is facing a war and needs a strong government and leader that Egyptians can trust in order to make the necessary, difficult decisions," she said.
"Despite being a rich country, unfortunately, many dividing elements have been implanted in Egypt, as its fall is the grand prize for a plot that aims to create a safe perimeter around Israel and turn Arabs into refugees," Fouad mentioned.
She pointed out that the situation in Egypt is meant to develop into the same tragedy being experienced in Syria.
Fouad rejected calls for reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, saying the calls were part of a maneuver used by the group after it failed to achieve its objectives through sit-ins and the use of violence.
"They threatened Egypt's security but their schemes have been uncovered," she said.
"We want to know through current trials about the espionage claims and attempts to betray the country. I am confident that Egyptian security experts providing documents and evidence are very serious about the spying claims and do not lie," Fouad added.
Fouad warned of attempts to create a rift between the people and the armed forces.
Fouad also called on youth to disagree but to take into consideration at the same time the critical stage Egypt is going through. In addition, she called on the youth to understand the need for unity in order to counter an alleged "American Zionist scheme" to utilize terrorist groups.
Conerning the representation of women in Ibrahim Mehleb's cabinet, Fouad said she hoped the representation of women could have been better, adding that local councils' elections could make up for the weak representation.
Fouad called on the Cabinet to be efficent while selecting leaders and called for transparency regarding the Cabinet's plans.
Fouad pointed out to the importance of not ignoring marginalized areas in different governorates.
Fouad is a well-known Egyptian writer and journalist. She was adviser to toppled President Mohamed Morsy and resigned in November 2012 to protest the Constitutional declaration issued by Morsy.
Many mainstream Egyptian commentators on both sides of the political spectrum often accuse the other of secretly working with the United States and Israel to destroy Egypt as a public ploy to gain boosted credibility. For those who do not understand the Camp David Accords, such as the billion of dollars in US aid given to the Egyptian army each year ever since, such conspiracy theories could be plausible. The theories, however, fail to recognize the socioeconomic realities that no foreign government benefits from instability in Egypt when markets crash, investors flee and the economy effectively shuts down business.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm