
FM reiterates Egypt’s rejection of any unilateral acts on water management

Foreign Minister Badr Abdelatty reiterated, on Sunday 13-10-2024, Egypt’s full rejection of any unilateral act that violates the international law as regards the management of water resources.

Speaking at the seventh edition of Cairo Water Week, Abdelatty said Egypt exerted utmost efforts over the past years to the uphold international water agenda and has contributed to launching many initiatives in this regard, including Water Adaptation and Resilience (AWARe) initiative.

He said the event, under the theme of “Water and Climate: Building Resilient Communities”, serves as an important platform that uses science to find solutions to water-related issues.

Abdelatty stressed that there is no other alternative than enhancing regional and international cooperation as regards water management to achieve development for everyone, especially as most of water resources are transboundary rivers.

Egypt has been and is still among the countries that supported development and prosperity in the Nile-basin countries, he said, stressing that Egypt supports ant project as long as it is satisfactory to all sides.

He reiterated Egypt’s commitment to the principles of the international law, calling on brothers in the Nile basin countries to lay down a mechanism to achieve aspirations of peoples of this great river.

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