The Freedom and Justice Party issued a statement on Monday evening demanding that the authorities investigate all recent attacks on their offices across the governorates.
Signs of a conspiracy against the party first appeared when thugs began attacking the Ettehadiya Presidential Palace in December, and opposition activists began calling for a presidential palace that would bypass the democratic process, the FJP claimed on their Facebook page.
The statement went on to say that Muslim Brotherhood members would abide by whatever conclusions the legal authorities draw regarding the violence at the presidential palace, but demanded they release the names of those responsible for the violence, which the FJP claims took the lives of 10 party members.
"Everyone should face justice, according to fair procedures," the statement said.
All citizens, especially those who took to Tahrir Square in January 2011, must "separate from those conspiring forces that support the former [Mubarak] regime," the statement continued. The party claimed that some "revolutionary forces" were still on the side of the Mubarak regime, and that their "thuggery" is "unbelievable."
The party claimed that it welcomed partnership with the opposition, stating, "Our hands our stretched out … Our chests are open to all citizens, who seek real national partnership based on fighting for the interests of the nation above all else." The statement concluded by calling for an urgent national dialogue that would address the challenges facing the country.