Minister of Health and Population Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar announced Sunday the launching of first phase of early detection and treatment of cancer tumors under the umbrella of the larger ” 100 Million Healthy Lives Presidential Initiative” to protect citizens’ health and social security.
Health Ministry Spokesman Hossam Abdel Ghaffar said the initiative’s 1st phase covers nine governorates, including: Alexandria, Behira, Mersa Matrouh, Damietta, Faiyum, Assiut, South Sinai and Port Said, adding that the initiative will soon cover all governorates.
The initiative targets early free of charge detection and treatment of lung, prostate, colon and cervical cancer, with the aim of limiting cancer mortality rate and mitigating financial burden on late stage cases, said the spokesman.
It is operational through an electronic network system linking health units, medical convoys and hospitals nationwide to facilitate measures before citizens seeking to obtain the service, he added.
The ministry answers all citizens inquiries through the hotline number 15335 or via its website: www.100millionseha.eg on social networking pages, he noted