The death of the first case suspected with the new strain of H1N1, also known as the swine flu virus, was recorded in Qalubiya, after she has been held in the intensive care for 24 hours.
The patient died before her samples had been analyzed at central labs, as they were sent on Tuesday morning.
The Banha university hospital has received a 42-year-old housewife called Hala, with what was suspected to be swine flu. She suffered a stop of the cardiomyopathies and fever.
She was put in quarantine, while the Medical directorate was informed to take the necessary preventive measures in the patient area of residence.
Dr. Zakaria Abd Rabo, undersecretary of the Health Ministry, said a protocol was planned to provide treatment at the hospital and medical instructions for the disease. He stressed on providing the requirements for infection control, disinfectants, detergents, pharmaceuticals and coordination between hospitals to transport patients in case of the need for intensive care.
He said that all doctors have been vaccinated in fever and chest hospital, in addition to intensive care units and dialysis units.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm