The Environment Ministry's Sustainable Transport project participated in Orange Day, organized by the Dutch Embassy, in Cairo for the fourth consecutive year.
Orange Day is an event held annually by the Dutch Embassy to encourage the use of non-polluting means of transportation, like bicycles.
A number of amateur bikers in Monufiya and Fayoum participated in the event, in addition to representatives of NGOs.
The Environment Ministry coordinates with the Sustainable Transport project managers for several awareness seminars to encourage the use of non-motorized transport like walking and using bikes in both Monufiya and Fayoum, according to the Environment Ministry's official website.
The seminars target college and high school students, the ministry's website added. The seminars are followed by weekly tours with bikes to spread awareness of the campaign and to encourage citizens to practice walking and biking to avoid means of transportation that pollute the environment and cause traffic congestion.
Fourteen units for storing bicycles will be installed in Shebin al-Koam City in Monufiya and bike paths will be paved over 14 km as part of the Sustainable Transport project.
The project will contribute funds to allow students to buy bikes with monthly installments to encourage students to use bikes, according to the ministry's website.
The Sustainable Transport project in Egypt is funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF).