
ElBaradei to visit Mansoura

Hamdi Qandil, a spokesperson for the pro-constitutional reform movement the National Association for Change (NAC), has announced that Mohamed ElBaradei, the NAC’s leader and a possible contender for Egypt’s presidency, will visit on Friday the city of Mansour in Daqahlia Governorate.

ElBaradei will visit Mansoura at the invitation of Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim, one of Egypt’s leading kidney surgeons.

Qandil said the visit is part of ElBaradei’s program of public meetings promoting change.

George Ishaq, an NAC leader, said ElBaradei has not yet decided whether he will participate in a protest vigil before the People’s Assembly next Tuesday. The vigil is being organized by the 6 April Youth Movement.

In a related development, the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc described ElBaradei as "the leader of change for the coming period." Brotherhood members said ElBaradei is the only person capable of changing the political atmosphere in Egypt in the lead up to parliamentary and presidential elections.

The Brotherhood members predicted that the President Hosni Mubarak’s National Democratic Party will object to constitutional reforms. Instead, said the Brotherhood, there must be popular pressure for reform.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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