Presidential hopeful Mohamed ElBaradei on Tuesday declined calls by revolutionary groups in Tahrir Square to nominate him in replacement to the current prime minister.
In a statement, ElBaradei said he thanked those who placed trust in him, but insisted it is the Egyptian people as a whole who will change conditions in Egypt, not specific individuals.
ElBaradei said the interim cabinet's lack of decision-making powers prevents it from achieving the revolution's goals. The prime minister must receive final approval from the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces before enacting a decision.
Sharaf has exerted his utmost effort to achieve the revolution's demands, but until now, his actions have failed to satisfy people's expectations, ElBaradei said.
He said the cabinet does not have adequate powers, so reshuffling it without granting it additional powers would be meaningless.
The current priority is to form a cabinet with power to restore security and bring those who killed protesters to justice, ElBaradei said.
The new government should adopt economic policies that favor ordinary citizens and set specific timetables for managing the interim period, he added.
ElBaradei said he has no doubt that the people and the military want the best for Egypt. This objective requires national unity, he said.