Weather temperatures are expected to decrease in Greater Cairo and a number of areas in Lower Egypt and southern Upper Egypt, according to the Egyptian Meteorological Authority on Monday.
The highest temperature in Egypt on Monday is 37C in Aswan.
Weather temperatures are expected to fluctuate up and down by one degree on Tuesday.
Mists are expected Tuesday morning on the roads heading to and from Cairo, the Suez Canal cities, central Sinai, Lower Egypt and the northern coasts while winds will remain active on a number of regions.
Temperatures in Cairo, northern Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt will be stable, and expected to rise along the northern coasts, and decrease in South Sinai and southern Upper Egypt.
Maximum temperatures predicted on Tuesday:
Northern coasts: 29C
Cairo and Lower Egypt: 30C
Northern Upper Egypt: 32C
South Sinai: 33C
Southern Upper Egypt: 36C
Meteorological forecasts indicate that there is no significant difference in the weather condition until Saturday.