Egyptian Ministry of Transport on Thursday announced that it has implemented 11 new road axis including at Talkha, Banha, Al-Khatahtbeh, Tahya Misr “Rod Al-Farag axis”, Bani Mazar, Tama, Gerga, Adly Mansour, Samalout, and Qus – Kalabsha at cost of LE14 billion.
In a report on the achievements during the rule of President Sisi from 2014 till 2020, the ministry added that work is progressing for 11 more road axis including Helwan, Dayrut, Daraw, Aswan reservoir, al-Fashn, Abu Tig, Central Delta, North Luxor axis, Shubrakhit, Samanoud, and Manfalut at a cost of LE20 billion.