Egypt’s Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ali Meselhy said on Monday that up to 40 million sustainable fabric face masks will be given out through ration cards, as an urgent necessity to stem the coronavirus outbreak.
He said that his ministry is set to distribute 12 million masks nationwide during June, and 28 million during July and August. Each governorate will receive masks proportionate to the number of rations cards, with two masks at most for each card.
The masks will be sent out in coordination with the Egyptian Authority for Unified Procurement, Medical Supply and Technology Management (AUPP), he explained.
Authorities across Egypt began enforcing a ministerial decree ordering people to wear face masks in public, with fines imposed against any violators, to help stem the soaring coronavirus outbreak.
The Prime Minister’s decree — which has taken effect on May 30 — obliges all individuals to wear a face mask when entering or working in markets, businesses, government installations, private establishments and banks, and while riding in public or private mass transportation.
The decision also stipulated that violation of these rules can result in a fine of up to LE 4,000 and/or imprisonment.
Police established traffic patrols nationwide at bus and mini-bus stations to monitor the abidance of the face mask rule among passengers and drivers alike, and filed reports against any violators.