Egypt’s Syndicate of Journalists has slammed Lebanon-based newspaper Al-Akhbar for publishing criticism on the positions of several syndicate members on Arab issues such as that of Palestine.
An official syndicate statement said it was “horrified by the arrogance and ignorance” of the newspaper’s report.
According to the syndicate, the newspaper failed to account for decisions issued by the syndicate’s general assembly over the past 40 years up to March 2019 in support of Palestine and other Arab causes.
It has demanded an apology from Al-Akhbar and urged all syndicate members not to work with the newspaper.
The syndicate has further called on the Lebanese Syndicate of Editors to perform an urgent investigation into Al-Akhbar, and inform the Egyptian syndicate of what penalties it will face.
In response to the criticism, the head of the State Information Service (SIS)’s Foreign Correspondents Press Center Mohammed Imam said that Al-Akhbar has no correspondents or headquarters in Egypt.
“The only official body entitled to accredit foreign correspondents in Egypt is the SIS,’ Imam added in an official press statement.