Judicial sources revealed the names of the four defendants involved in the Ministry of Health bribery case, whom the top prosecutor referred to a criminal trial – including Health Minister Hala Zayed’s ex-husband.
Zayed requested a leave after the case was revealed.
The four defendants are: Mohamed Abdel Meguid Mohamed, Malik al-Sayyed Attia Ibrahim al-Fayoumy, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Behairy and Hussam Eddin Abdallah Fouda.
On Wednesday, top prosecutor Hamada al-Sawy referred the defendants to criminal trial.
The first of them was accused of ordering LE5.6 million as a bribe from the owners of a private hospital through two other defendants, in return for using his influence to prevent the closure of the unlicensed private hospital.
The defendants prepared a forged report that proves the absence of any irregularities in the hospital. The fourth accused was charged with forging the report himself.
The prosecution report stated that evidence was collected against the defendants based on statements from 13 witnesses, including the hospital owners who informed the Administrative Control Authority of the bribery incident once the defendant requested the bribe from them.
Under the public prosecution request, the owners of the hospital agreed to the bribe until the first defendant was arrested red handed.
The statements of the two other defendants who mediated in the bribery confirmed the incident as well as evidence on their mobile phones.
The public prosecutors inspected both the valid and forged documents, and bank documents proving the fact that the bribery amount was submitted to the defendant.
The prosecutors also had recordings for meetings and conversations with the first defendant while agreeing on the bribe.