Egypt, in partnership with the EU and the US, will chair two meetings on Monday and Tuesday to discuss the Libyan economy’s future.
UN spokesperson Alessandra Filuchi explained that the acting UN envoy to Libya Stephanie Williams will host an Economic Working Group meeting on Libya on Monday and Tuesday in Geneva to discuss economic policy reforms via talks that will include representatives of major Libyan institutions.
These talks will discuss Libya’s economic track, which had previously seen an agreement to form three committees: a Banking Committee to confront division in the banking system, a Public Revenue Distribution Committee and Public Fund Management, and a Reconstruction and Development Committee.
Meanwhile, Turkey submitted a proposal on Saturday to extend the deployment of Turkish forces in Libya for 18 months.
The proposal stated that “Turkey will continue, within the security and military cooperation memorandum signed with Libya, to contribute to training and advisory support to Libya.”
The proposal will be discussed in parliament after the budget debate ends on Friday.