The Ministry of Health and Population said that the supply chain for COVID-19 vaccines from abroad is continuing, with Egypt now in possession of eight types of vaccines so far.
The ministry added that all the vaccines that Egypt obtained are safe, approved, and effective, and advised all citizens to register and get the vaccine.
The statement added that the ministry has received 73 million doses of coronavirus vaccines so far.
It explained that the vaccination centers work efficiently and provide the service to the public, and assured that Egyptian vaccines are identical to the foreign vaccine and are fully effective and safe.
Egypt has provided many vaccines either through the VACSERA factories or imported vaccines.
There are 1,100 vaccination centers for citizens in addition to vaccination centers for travelers, he added, as well as thousands of medical mobile teams and convoys that target citizens in different gathering places.
Egypt’s vaccination campaign began in January with priority groups and later expanded to university students. Registration for the jab is open to all.
The country aims to vaccinate 40 million people by September.