The House of Representatives, headed by Speaker Hanfy Gebaly, on Thursday approved a bill on foreign asylum, which aims to regulate the rights and obligations of refugees.
The draft law on foreign asylum includes penalties of up to imprisonment and a fine for anyone who shelters or employs a refugee without notifying the police.
The penalties include imprisonment for a period of not less than six months and a fine of not less than LE 50,000 and not more than LE 100,000, or one of these two penalties if proven to have awareness on the matter.
The law aims to regulate the status of refugees in Egypt in line with the international rights and obligations to which the country has acceded.
Permanent Committee for Refugee Affairs
The law stipulates the establishment of the “Permanent Committee for Refugee Affairs” which is responsible for following up on refugee affairs in Egypt, providing support and care to refugees, and collecting information and statistical data related to refugees.