The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy on Tuesday inaugurated the Gulf of Suez Wind Farm, which boasts a capacity of 252 megawatts and investments amounting to 230 million euros.
The project is located near the city of Ras Ghareb in the Gulf of Suez and Gabal al-Zeit area, and will be developed according to the Build-Own-Operate mechanism.
Power will be generated in the Suez Wind Energy Project using turbines reaching a height of 220 meters, in addition to employing the latest technologies.
The station is scheduled to operate at the highest level of performance efficiency, supplying approximately 1,080,000 residential units with energy and reduce an estimated 2.4 million tons of carbon emissions annually.
The Gulf of Suez wind station is owned by the New and Renewable Energy Authority.
This station will be the last project owned by the authority, as no new stations will be established at its expense in order to reduce financial burdens on the state.
The role of the New and Renewable Energy Authority will be limited to conducting studies, making land available to investors, and following up on the projects that are being established.
The ministry is working to reach the total capacity generated from renewable energy on the grid by 2030 to 68,500 megawatts, representing 42 percent of the total capacity on the national electricity grid, by opening the way for private sector participation and creating a competitive market that is in the interest of the consumer.
There is also a reference plan that aims to rely on renewable energies by 50 percent by 2040 of the total capacity of the national electricity grid, with a total capacity of 142,000 megawatts.