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Egypt harshly condemns Israel’s bombing of Khan Yunis

Egypt on Tuesday harshly condemned Israel’s bombing of displaced Palestinians in Khan Yunis, southwest of Gaza Strip, which resulted in the killing and wounding of more than 100 Palestinian citizens so far.

The Israeli army claimed in a statement on Tuesday that it targeted a number of prominent Hamas leaders in the raids it launched on the tents of the displaced in the humanitarian area in Khan Yunis at dawn on Tuesday.

Egypt expressed in a statement its “Deep condemnation of the continued Israeli massacres against civilians in Gaza Strip, in the absence of any effective international action to put an end to this human suffering, which has become a real challenge to the credibility of all humanitarian standards and values ​​and a violation of the most basic rules of international humanitarian law and human rights.”

“The continued commission of these crimes in this manner, and the disregard for the lives of innocents and civilians, has become a threat to regional and international peace and security,” Egypt added, calling on all international actors to avoid double standards and assume their humanitarian responsibilities.

Egypt reminded all parties that “Ending the suffering of the Palestinian people in a just manner and restoring the security and stability of the region does not end with a complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, but with successfully reaching a just and lasting settlement to this conflict, the sole basis of which is the two-state solution based on establishing an independent Palestinian state on the lines of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Egypt called for intensified efforts to restore the hope of the Palestinian people in reaching freedom and gaining self-determination.

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