The Cairo Criminal Court sentenced former presidential candidate and member of the former Guidance Bureau of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, Abdel-Moneim Aboul-Fotouh and Mahmoud Ezzat, the acting Supreme Guide of the group, and six others to 15 years in prison.
The court also sentenced 15 others to lifetime imprisonment, and sentenced two defendants to 10 years in prison.
The court convicted all the defendants of leading and membership of a terrorist group that carries out hostile operations against public institutions, with the aim of bringing down the state.
The prosecution charged Ezzat and Aboul-Fotouh, his son and others that from 1992 to 2018, they led a terrorist group, aiming to use force, violence, threats and intimidation with the aim of disturbing public order and endangering the safety, security of society, harming individuals and terrorizing them.
They have also been charged with harming social peace and national security, preventing and obstructing public authorities and government from carrying out their work and obstructing the application of the provisions of the Constitution, laws and regulations.
The prosecution explained that they took over the leadership of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, which aims to change the regime by force and undertakes the implementation of hostile operations against judges, members of the armed forces and the police, their institutions, and public facilities, with the aim of overthrowing the state, disturbing public order and endangering the safety and security of society.
The charges against the defendants also included financing a terrorist group by transporting and providing funds and weapons with the intent to be used in the commission of terrorist crimes, providing a safe haven for terrorists, and training them on how to use firearms.