Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad held a meeting on Saturday 25/1/2025 with her Colombian counterpart Susana Muhamad, via video conference, as part of ministerial consultations on rallying resources for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
The talks tackled points of view on mechanisms of financing biological diversity to achieve the goals of the new global framework of biological diversity.
Fouad lauded the Colombian efforts in hosting and leading the COP16.
She also commended the role of her Colombian counterpart in facilitating consultations on financing biological diversity as an important aspect in facing the challenge of biological diversity loss that the world faces.
Fouad asserted that the Egyptian stance on financing the biological diversity goes in accordance with that of the African group which highlights the importance of creating a finance mechanism for biological diversity.
She said that the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is capable of managing the resources of public finance from developed countries, adding that Egypt believed that the aspired financial resources need a more comprehensive and supportive mechanism capable of mobilizing funds from different resources.
For her part, the Colombian minister reviewed the consultations that took place with different countries to stand on their points of view on the file of biological diversity finance and work on narrowing the gap of views in order to reach a political decision, commending the Egyptian vision in this regard.