The Petroleum Ministry’s integrated strategy to develop Egypt’s natural gas resources has resulted in the highest rates of natural gas production in Egypt’s history and self-sufficiency in gas, Petroleum Minister Tarek al-Molla announced on Sunday.
Value-added industries have increased their expansion within Egypt, Molla said, with natural gas being vital due to its great economic returns alongside attracting new international companies to research and explore natural resources in Egypt for the first time.
He added that these companies are eager to assert their presence and expand their presence thanks to the current stability Egypt is enjoying.
Work is underway on a developmental project to transform Egypt into a regional center for gas and oil trade, he said, and benefit from the country’s distinctive capabilities.
During the general assembly meeting of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, Molla stressed the importance of building up and supporting Egypt’s human cadres, increasing their skills, performance and efficiency while expanding the use of information technology to keep in pace with the digital era.
He also emphasized that precautionary measures against the coronavirus must continue being implemented in order to protect workers.
Molla stressed the need to continue regular maintenance operations for productive assets at all work sites to improve their efficiency, which will thereby increase production rates and secure the local market’s sources of supplies.
And he discussed the importance of continuing the national project to deliver natural gas to all Egyptian governorates, alongside launching the project to convert old cars to run on natural gas – which comes under the presidential initiative to expand the use of Egypt’s gas resources and rationalize imported liquid fuels.