Minister of Education Education Tarek Shawki issued important decisions regarding the second term of the Egyptian school semester, alongside announcing dates:
- 1-Thanaweyya Amma (High school) exams will not start before July 2021.
- 2- Third Preparatory school exams have been postponed until the end of the school year.
- 3- Exams for subjects that are not part of the GPA will be postponed until the end of the year.
- 4-Electronic monthly exams from home will be conditioned in March, April and May
- 5-Parents have the right to request repeating the school year through an official request to the educational administration.
- 6-The ministry will reveal the date of the exams for expatriate Egyptian students and how it will be held within a week.
- 7-Exams for pupils from kindergarten and the third grade of primary school have been canceled.
- 8- Examinations from the fourth grade of primary school to the second grade of secondary school will be conducted on one day for each semester.
- 9- The educational content will be uploaded on all platforms in order to complete the study remotely.
- 10- International schools decide the attendance and absence system.
- 11- Attendance in schools will be optional, but requires the parent’s signature on an official approval with the student’s absence from school.
- 12- First and second secondary school students will have e-exams at school
- 13- The EST exam is the only qualification for American diploma students to be enrolled with Egyptian universities.
- 14- Online Thanaweyya Amma examinations will not take place before July.
- 15- The first term exams will take place from February 27 to March 9.
- 16- Study in international schools will resume starting February 20.
- 17- Students can postpone the academic year without fail.
- 18- The return of tutoring and attendance groups will start from March 10.
- 19- Various options for educational channels and e-platforms covering all grades will be provided to students.