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Drop in US dollar exchange rate at Egypt banks

The US dollar exchange rate saw noticeable stability on Tuesday against the Egyptian pound, after the dollar price decreased against the pound in nine banks, while the price stabilized in Banque du Caire at the end of trading on Monday.

Here are the current official US dollar exchange rates against the pound, according to Egyptian bank websites:

  • The National Bank of Egypt: LE 48.49 for purchase, LE 48.59 for sale, down four piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Banque Misr: LE 48.49 for purchase, LE 48.59 for sale, down four piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Banque du Caire: LE 48.53 for purchase, LE 48.63 for sale.
  • The Commercial International Bank: LE 48.49 for purchase, LE 48.59 for sale, down four piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Al Baraka Bank: LE 48.47 for purchase, LE 48.57 for sale, down three piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Suez Canal Bank: LE 48.49 for purchase, LE 48.59 for sale, down four piasters.
  • Credit Agricole Bank: LE 48.47 for purchase, and LE 48.57 for sale, down five piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Bank of Alexandria: LE 48.49 for purchase, LE 48.59 for sale, down four piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Housing and Development Bank: LE 48.49 for purchase, LE 48.59 for sale, down three piasters for purchase and sale.
  • Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank: LE 48.55 for purchase, down seven piasters, and LE 48.65 for sale, down five piasters.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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