Islamists and other groups that participated in the Friday, 18 November demonstration in Tahrir Square directed unprecedented criticism at the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF).
Protesters chanted "Down with military rule” and claimed that the SCAF is trying to enshrine a special status for the military in Egypt's new constitution by bypassing the power Egyptians will grant to the new parliament.
Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians participated in the massive demonstration, which was originally called for by Islamist forces to object to the proposed supra-constitutional document. The number of protesters increased significantly after Friday prayers ended.
Many political powers object to the document for its articles that give the military wide powers and autonomy from civilian oversight.
Islamists also staged demonstrations in other governorates nationwide.
Dozens of Syrians participated in the mass protest. Some of them ascended the Muslim Brotherhood stage and denounced the Syrian regime's bloody crackdown on anti-government protesters.
More than 38 political movements and parties distributed a joint statement at the protest demanding power be handed over to an elected parliament and president before May 2012.
Demonstrators said the supra-constitutional principles document is sure “to reproduce the old regime" and a "coup of the revolution and the principles of democracy."
The political forces that signed the statement include the Muslim Brotherhood, Adl Party, Wasat Party, April 6 Youth Movement, and a number of Salafi parties and revolutionary youth groups.
Sheikh Mazhar Shaheen, who gave the Friday sermon in Tahrir, criticized the SCAF and called for presidential elections to be held before May 2012.
This would be the quickest path to achieve the revolution's goals, Shaheen noted.
Shaheen demanded a law be passed banning former National Democratic Party (NDP) members from practicing politics and being part of the next parliament. They also demanded the prosecution of those responsible for killing protesters during 25 January revolution.
"The shortest path to reform will come through retribution and a quick handover of power," said Shaheen.
Following Friday prayers, Islamists protested at Mahatta Square in Aswan Governorate, where they criticized the supra-constitutional document.
In Monufiya Governorate, Salafis staged a massive demonstration in the city of Shebein al-Koam.
Salafi-led Nour Party Secretary General Osama Abdel Monsef said that demonstrators object the proposed supra-constitutional document.