The Public Prosecution detained a doctor performing FGM operations in Beni Suef, Upper Egypt, for four days pending investigation, released the mother of a victim who underwent FGM on a bail of LE 5,000 and requested police investigation into the incident.
A child rescue official in the governorate Shaimaa Karam, received a report from some women that a doctor had performed FGM operations on children.
After presenting the matter to the governor of Beni Suef Mohamed Ghoneim, he reported the incident to health and police officials and immediately a committee that included the head of the al-Fashn police station went and arrested the doctor.
The committee found that the suspect had performed FGM operations inside his private clinic, and at the time of the raid the doctor had been performing a FGM procedure on a 12-year-old girl.
An ambulance was called to take the girl to al-Fashn Central Hospital to check on her and prepare a report on her health condition.
Investigations found that the operation room was poorly equipped with no infection control procedures.
The undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Beni Suef ordered the clinic to be shut down.