Giza Criminal Court in Egypt sentenced, on Sunday, defendants Ayman Haggag and Hussein al-Garably to death by hanging over the premeditated murder of TV host Shaimaa Gamal.
The court also sentenced the two defendants to one-year imprisonment each for theft of jewelry and the victim’s hone.
Haggag, who was a member of the judicial authority, confessed back in July to killing his wife jointly with his friend Hussein al-Garably, and burying her body in a farm at Abu Sir area in Badrashin, south of Giza.
After investigations, the Egyptian Public Prosecution referred the accused judge and his friend to a criminal trial on Thursday, July 7.
The Public Prosecutor’s decision stated that Haggag committed premeditated murder to get rid of the victim after she bargained him for money in return for not revealing his secrets.
The forensic report showed that the death of the victim was due to suffocation through pressure on her neck and airways.
The Public Prosecution established evidence against the accused from the testimony of ten witnesses, including the owner of the store from which the defendants bought drilling tools and nitric acid, along with statements from the two accused in detail during interrogations, which began with the second suspect guiding the police to the location of the body on the farm.