The total amount of cotton exported by Egypt fell to 145.6 thousand metric quintals from March 2016 to May 2016, compared to 174.3 thousand metric quintals during the same period of the previous year, according to official figures.
Cotton exports recorded a decline of 16.5 percent due to low yield, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) has announced.
CAPMAS added in its quarterly report on cotton that India was the top Egyptian cotton importer, importing 76.8 thousand metric quintals, equal to 52.7 percent of the total quantity of exported cotton from March to May.
The total amount of cotton used domestically during the same period dropped to 131.1 thousand metric quintals, compared to 163.2 thousand metric quintals for the same period of the previous year, recording a decline of 19.7 percent.
The decline is due to the closure of some spinning and textile factories, according to CAPMAS.
The report said that 121.9 thousand metric quintals, equal to 93 percent of the total cotton consumed domestically from March to May, were of long and medium-staple.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm