The Coptic Organizations Union in Europe has condemned Islamists' use of religious slogans during parliamentary elections. However, the organization also praised the unprecedented voter turnout,
Medhat Qelada, the head of the union, told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the percentage of Egyptians who voted has amazed the world.
However, he said, “elections witnessed disappointing violations that contradict democratic practices in civilized countries. These raise doubts around the whole process.”
“The Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis used religion in their campaigns, which is against the ruling military council’s rules, the interim constitution and the political parties laws, which all prohibit the use of religious slogans in elections,” Qelada added.
Islamists, according to Qelada, “used direct appeals to vote [for them] both inside and outside polling stations without being punished. They also used veiled women so that their identities wouldn’t be revealed.”
A report by the One World Foundation for Development and Civil Society Care says the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party committed many electoral violations on Monday and Tuesday.
Preliminary reports indicate that the Freedom and Justice Party won more seats than any other party in the elections, which were held in nine governorates.
Translated from the Arabic Edition