The Consumer Protection Agency has filed a complaint with the Public Prosecution against Nissan Motors Egypt for failing to immediately notify the agency of defects discovered in certain car models.
“We prefer amicable solutions that protect the rights of the consumers, but we do not hesitate to take legal action against violators,” said Chairman Atef Yacoub.
He said he received an email from Nissan on 24 March 2014 saying the company discovered a defect in the brakes system of the Nissan Sunny models that were sold from August 2012 until April 2013.
“We asked to meet with the chairman because the law obliges companies to report defects within seven days of discovery,” he said. “And they must
stop production and warn consumers.”
He added that the company discovered the defect on 13 June 2013 in 8564 cars and did not notify the agency except nine months later. “Their justification was that they withdrew and repaired 6063 and were about to repair the rest,” he said.
“We reported the company to the Public Prosecution to take necessary legal action,” he said.
Edited translation from MENA