The Supreme Constitutional Court declared that all its verdicts are final and immune against appeals, stressing that it will not be a party to any political dispute.
The announcement came in the wake of a decision by President Mohamed Morsy to reinstate the People’s Assembly, which the court dissolved in mid-June because parts of the electoral law were unconstitutional.
The court, in a statement published by state news agency MENA, stressed that its sole mission is to defend the constitution against any encroachment and practice judicial scrutiny of the constitutionality of laws and regulations.
While hailed by Muslim Brotherhood supporters, Morsy’s move stirred controversy among other political groups that considered it a coup against the rule of law.
Some observers believe the decision might be the first standoff between Morsy and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces since the latter issued a supplement to the transitional constitution, diminishing the president’s powers.
The constitutional court had said parts of the parliamentary elections law were unconstitutional because they allowed candidates running on party lists to vie for seats allocated to independent candidates.