Today Mexico celebrates one more anniversary of its independence in 1810. We decided to establish a free and sovereign nation two hundred and thirteen years ago. For over two centuries, Mexicans have built a country that is loved and respected worldwide. A land known for its language, history, colorful traditions, culture, gastronomy, and values. It has only been possible to achieve this because of the hard work and the greatness of the entire generations of Mexicans committed to giving their best to build a better country.
We also celebrate sixty-five years since Mexico and Egypt established diplomatic relations in 1958. More than six decades of mutual friendship are characterized by diverse and permanent collaboration in areas such as culture, economy, development cooperation, and global agenda issues.
Bilateral interactions throughout the sixty-five years have been enriched thanks to the spirit of innovation of multiple actors that provide life and content to the Mexico-Egypt bilateral agenda. With a spirit of collaboration and friendship, both countries’ societies and governments have generated bridges to bring two geographically distant lands closer together.
On the economic front, Mexican and Egyptian companies with interests in both countries continue their intense activities. Today, Mexico is the first investor of Latin America in Egypt. CEMEX Egypt supports the development of the country’s infrastructure through its participation in various projects with its firm belief that business and the environment must go hand in hand. Meanwhile, Polímeros Mexicanos continues consolidating the operation of producing plastic components in Alexandria. Aqualia, a Spanish Mexican firm, does the same in highly relevant water management issues. Companies such as Ruhrpumpen, a leading manufacturer of pump systems, and Kidzania Cairo have also developed successful benchmarks of joint ventures in both countries.
Additionally, Egyptian companies have found valuable business opportunities in Mexico. PICO/Cheiron develops a productive public-private alliance with Petróleos Mexicanos in the joint exploitation of oil fields. In parallel, Sewedy Electrometer contributes to developing economic relations between both countries. More recently, Swvl Holdings entered the Mexican market by acquiring a mass transit tech platform.
On the political side, the global agenda has been an area of regular interaction. Mexico and Egypt have a Mechanism of Political Consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs to maintain a constant dialogue on issues of common interest, such as denuclearization, climate change, and migration flows. Additionally, seven Mexican Foreign Ministers have visited Cairo to foster ties at the highest level.
On the other hand, cultural exchanges continue to be a pillar of the bilateral agenda, as they should be between countries with notable and ancient cultural heritage. Mexico has been present in Egypt with an intense and plural cultural agenda comprising film cycles, photography, sculpture and painting exhibitions, theater, literature, gastronomy, dance, murals, and music, among other activities. The cultural agenda has taken place in alliance with prestigious Egyptian museums and partners, underlining the leading place culture has in the relationship between our countries.
On the field of cooperation, it is also an honor that a Mexican archaeological mission has been working since 2005 at the Tebana Tomb 39 Project in Luxor, exchanging knowledge with their Egyptian counterparts.
Many actors from both countries have significantly contributed to building the bilateral relationship. Among them, we can count the 18 Ambassadors Mexico has accredited to Egypt since 1960 and all the diplomats and local staff that has worked with them. I am pleased to share that in the following days, a new Ambassador of Mexico will arrive in Cairo to commit her diplomatic experience and maximum effort to continue increasing the friendship ties that unite our societies.
The 213 celebration of the beginning of the independence of Mexico and the sixty-five anniversary of diplomatic relations with Egypt is an excellent occasion to celebrate the historic union of those Mexicans who, in 1810, decided to give themselves the freedom to become a sovereign nation, as well as to rejoice the constant effort that multiple Egyptians and Mexicans have made for more than six decades to build the relationship between two countries proud of their respective identities.
Long live Egypt! Long live Mexico!