The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its coronavirus travel risk map on its website, with Egypt being ranked as level two or “medium risk.”
The assessment includes four levels, with four being the highest risk and one being the lowest.
In the update, the CDC added 16 destinations to its “extremely high” COVID-19 risk level (four) on Monday, including Libya.
Destinations in the “extremely high risk” category have reportedly had more than 500 cases per 100,000 residents in the past 28 days.
Other Arab countries in the fourth level include Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Tunisia, and Libya.
People should avoid traveling to level four countries, the CDC advises, and in the case that travel is necessary, a full vaccination is recommended.
The third level, which indicates a high risk of coronavirus included Jordan, Qatar, Morocco, and Palestine.
The second level, which indicates a medium risk, included Egypt and Mauritania.
Finally, level one or low risk includes Djibouti, Sudan, and Comoros.
Lebanon, Algeria, Syria, and Yemen were not classified, and the CDC recommended avoiding travel to these countries.
The CDC recommends that no one travel to any level of country until they have received a full dose of the coronavirus vaccine.
IMAGE: A Kuwaiti passenger holding his luggage walks by the police and civil aviation personnel upon his arrival from Amman at Kuwait Airport, following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Kuwait City, Kuwait April 21, 2020.