
White House bars CNN reporter after verbal duel with Trump

White House bars CNN reporter after verbal duel with Trump

The White House on Wednesday suspended the press pass of a CNN reporter who sparred with Donald Trump at a…
Pakistan gets a boost of confidence but IMF bailout still on the cards

Pakistan gets a boost of confidence but IMF bailout still on the cards

  ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – The Pakistani finance minister’s bullish comments declaring the end of an economic crisis have bolstered confidence…
Minnesota, Michigan send first Muslim women to US Congress

Minnesota, Michigan send first Muslim women to US Congress

  Voters in Minnesota and Michigan on Tuesday elected the first two Muslim women to serve in the US Congress,…
In setback for Trump, Democrats seize US House control

In setback for Trump, Democrats seize US House control

  Democrats rode a wave of dissatisfaction with President Donald Trump to win control of the US House of Representatives…
Anger mounts after deadly Marseille building collapse

Anger mounts after deadly Marseille building collapse

  French officials vowed to inspect all Marseille buildings “unsuitable” for habitation as anger rose over the collapse of two…
79 abducted pupils freed in troubled Cameroon region: minister

79 abducted pupils freed in troubled Cameroon region: minister

  Seventy-nine school pupils abducted by gunmen this week in a troubled English-speaking region of Cameroon have been freed, the…
Macron urges European army to defend against Russia, US

Macron urges European army to defend against Russia, US

  French President Emmanuel Macron called Tuesday for a “real European army” as the continent marks a century since the…
West calls on China to close Uighur detention camps

West calls on China to close Uighur detention camps

  Western countries including Canada, France and Germany called on China on Tuesday to close down detention camps, which activists…
Control of Congress, and verdict on Trump, at stake in US elections

Control of Congress, and verdict on Trump, at stake in US elections

  After a divisive campaign marked by fierce clashes over race, immigration and other cultural issues, Americans will cast votes…
US votes in midterms verdict on turbulent Trump rule

US votes in midterms verdict on turbulent Trump rule

  US voters decide Tuesday whether President Donald Trump will keep his Republican majority in Congress or face a hostile…
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