
Specialized center for digital documentation of museums

Specialized center for digital documentation of museums

Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damaty has discussed ways of cooperating with Jerry Scott, president of the American Research Center, in digitalizing artifacts…
95.4% of merchants dilute pesticides

95.4% of merchants dilute pesticides

A study prepared by the pesticides' committee of the Agriculture Ministry proved that 95.4 percent of pesticides are spoiled because…
New evidence suggests exercise hormone irisin is real

New evidence suggests exercise hormone irisin is real

A recently discovered hormone called irison that's produced during exercise is not just a myth, according to a new study…
Endangered Philippine eagle shot dead three years after rescue

Endangered Philippine eagle shot dead three years after rescue

A rare giant Philippine eagle has been shot dead two months after being released back into the wild following treatment…
Study: Teens who try e-cigarettes more likely to start smoking

Study: Teens who try e-cigarettes more likely to start smoking

US teens who try electronic cigarettes may be more than twice as likely to move on to smoking conventional cigarettes…
UK study: E-cigarettes are 95 percent less harmful than tobacco

UK study: E-cigarettes are 95 percent less harmful than tobacco

Electronic cigarettes are around 95 percent less harmful than tobacco and should be promoted as a tool to help smokers…
Aspirin reduces bowel cancer risk in obese patients: study

Aspirin reduces bowel cancer risk in obese patients: study

Being overweight more than doubles the risk of bowel cancer in people with a certain gene disorder, but a regular…
Study: Plant from 130 million years ago is among ‘first flowers’

Study: Plant from 130 million years ago is among ‘first flowers’

An ancient plant that grew underwater in what is modern day Europe, had no petals and bore one single seed…
EMA: Egypt’s next winter could see more snowfall

EMA: Egypt’s next winter could see more snowfall

Egypt will see more extreme weather next winter that could include snowfall, the head of the country’s meteorology service said…
There’s little evidence to help avoid stress fractures

There’s little evidence to help avoid stress fractures

Although there are plenty of opinions about what causes tiny, painful stress fractures in the bones of regular runners, a…
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