
Egypt foils illegal 2 migration attempts to Italy

Egypt foils illegal 2 migration attempts to Italy

Egyptian police authorities stopped two separate illegal migration attempts to Italy from the coastal province of Kafr al-Sheikh, security sources…
Libyan transitional council to renew demands for Qadhafi asset freeze

Libyan transitional council to renew demands for Qadhafi asset freeze

Libyan official sources said the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) will issue another request to freeze the Egyptian assets of…
Thursday’s papers: Libya continues to dominate headlines, Israeli inquiry shifts blame

Thursday’s papers: Libya continues to dominate headlines, Israeli inquiry shifts blame

For the third day in a row, news about the situation in Libya and Egypt’s Sinai dominates both state-run and…
Police repel attack at Port Said station

Police repel attack at Port Said station

Military and police forces on Wednesday night restored control at a police station in Port Said after gunmen attempted to…
Cairo’s poorest residents help the less fortunate in Somalia

Cairo’s poorest residents help the less fortunate in Somalia

Ezzbet Abu Qarn is a place that wealthy and upper middle-class Cairenes see as worthy of donations and campaigns, especially…
Former NDP secretary general seeks to establish political party

Former NDP secretary general seeks to establish political party

Hossam Badrawy, former secretary general of the dissolved National Democratic Party (NDP), has filed an application to form a new…
Jama’a al-Islamiya warns US against killing imprisoned leader

Jama’a al-Islamiya warns US against killing imprisoned leader

“Hell will break loose for the US if Omar Abdel Rahman is killed in prison,” said Safwat Abdel Ghany, member…
Governor honors demonstrator who pulled down Israeli flag

Governor honors demonstrator who pulled down Israeli flag

The governor of Sharqiya on Tuesday honored Ahmed al-Shahat, the young man who pulled down the Israeli flag from the…
Islamist groups divided over demo demanding expulsion of Israeli ambassador

Islamist groups divided over demo demanding expulsion of Israeli ambassador

Two Islamist parties, the Islamist Nahda Party and Ryada Party, have announced their participation in Friday’s demonstration to demand the…
Egypt mulls response to Israel’s rejection of joint investigation

Egypt mulls response to Israel’s rejection of joint investigation

The Egyptian government is consulting with the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) on how to respond to Israel’s…
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