
Unconventional campaigners help Moussa’s broad appeal

Unconventional campaigners help Moussa’s broad appeal

Fares Teama stands out slightly on the Amr Moussa campaign bus. Unlike the rest of the campaign team, decked out…
Parliament review: Flirting with progress

Parliament review: Flirting with progress

Following last week’s spate of legislative measures, Parliament managed to keep it together for another round of sessions despite having…
Khaled Ali: Second revolution inevitable in Egypt

Khaled Ali: Second revolution inevitable in Egypt

Presidential hopeful Khaled Ali said that a second revolution was inevitable in Egypt in spite of who is elected president…
MP files lawsuit against Muslim Brotherhood over ‘illegal’ headquarters

MP files lawsuit against Muslim Brotherhood over ‘illegal’ headquarters

Independent MP Hamdy al-Fakhrany has filed a lawsuit to demand the closure of the Muslim Brotherhood's headquarters nationwide, state-run Al-Ahram…
ElBaradei: Complementary constitutional declaration attempts to reproduce Mubarak regime

ElBaradei: Complementary constitutional declaration attempts to reproduce Mubarak regime

Mohamed ElBaradei criticized reports that the military council is planning to issue a supplementary constitutional declaration before the presidential election…
Abouel Fotouh leads presidential race abroad

Abouel Fotouh leads presidential race abroad

Preliminary results of expatriate voting in the presidential election show that moderate Islamist candidate Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh is leading…
Armed forces prepare presidential election security

Armed forces prepare presidential election security

The ruling military council approved a plan to secure the upcoming presidential elections, a military source said. The source said…
Women and Salafi rank-and-file sit uneasy under Abouel Fotouh’s big tent

Women and Salafi rank-and-file sit uneasy under Abouel Fotouh’s big tent

Eager to prove their candidate’s commitment to women’s rights and empowerment, the campaign for Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh’s presidential bid…
Early expatriate voting results come in from Malaysia, Australia

Early expatriate voting results come in from Malaysia, Australia

Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh took the lead in the presidential race among expatriates in Malaysia, with 100 votes. Out of…
Parliamentary committee calls for abolishing emergency law

Parliamentary committee calls for abolishing emergency law

Parliament’s Human Rights Committee has called for lifting the emergency law by no later than the end of May in…
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