
Experts: Court rulings constitute a blow to civilian forces

Experts: Court rulings constitute a blow to civilian forces

Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court (SCC) dealt a blow on Thursday to civilian forces by handing down rulings that effectively dissolved…
Shafiq hails Supreme Court verdict as start of new era

Shafiq hails Supreme Court verdict as start of new era

The Supreme Constitutional Court’s (SCC) ruling that the Political Isolation Law is unconstitutional adds to the legitimacy of the electoral…
Court explains verdict that would dissolve Parliament

Court explains verdict that would dissolve Parliament

The Supreme Constitutional Court has elaborated on the verdict it issued earlier on Thursday which deemed the Parliamentary Elections Law…
Protesters: Transition is soap opera cooked up by SCAF

Protesters: Transition is soap opera cooked up by SCAF

Protesters gathered early on Thursday outside the Supreme Constitution Court ahead of its crucial rulings that dissolved the Islamist-dominated Parliament…
Islamist parties: Supreme Court verdicts are political

Islamist parties: Supreme Court verdicts are political

Leaders and MPs from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party and the Salafi Nour Party attacked the verdict issued…
Four liberal members withdraw from Constituent Assembly

Four liberal members withdraw from Constituent Assembly

Three members of the National Association for Change (NAC) and a Wafd Party member have announced their withdrawal from the…
Jobs at Egypt Independent

Jobs at Egypt Independent

Egypt Independent, the English-language sister news organization of Al-Masry Al-Youm, is hiring staff to work on our website and weekly…
Official number of Egyptian Christians unknown, says CAPMAS

Official number of Egyptian Christians unknown, says CAPMAS

The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) does not have definitive data on the number of Egyptian Christians…
Court verdict will dissolve People’s Assembly, says elections official

Court verdict will dissolve People’s Assembly, says elections official

The entire People's Assembly will be dissolved following the Supreme Constitutional Court ruling that one-third of its MPs elected to…
Update: Court rules political isolation and election laws unconstitutional

Update: Court rules political isolation and election laws unconstitutional

The Supreme Constitutional Court ruled Thursday that a law governing parliamentary elections is unconstitutional in a landmark case that could…
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