
Abu Ismail: Brotherhood parliamentary agenda ‘disappointing’

Abu Ismail: Brotherhood parliamentary agenda ‘disappointing’

The Muslim Brotherhood would need to reconsider its policies and stances before it assuming the presidential post, disqualified presidential hopeful…
Former spy chief does not back specific candidate, supporters say

Former spy chief does not back specific candidate, supporters say

Former spy chief Omar Suleiman’s supporters have said he does not support a specific candidate in the presidential race, scheduled…
SCAF member: Plan in place to deal with potential election violence

SCAF member: Plan in place to deal with potential election violence

The armed forces have been trained to deal with violence that might erupt during the presidential election scheduled to start…
Committee to count Egyptian expat votes Monday

Committee to count Egyptian expat votes Monday

The general committee supervising voting for Egyptians abroad in the presidential election is scheduled to meet Monday at the Foreign…
Abouel Fotouh: Failure to criticize SCAF is treason

Abouel Fotouh: Failure to criticize SCAF is treason

Failure to criticize the ruling military council is treason, presidential hopeful Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh said in an interview Sunday,…
Early results put Morsy in lead for Egyptians in Saudi Arabia

Early results put Morsy in lead for Egyptians in Saudi Arabia

Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohamed Morsy leads the presidential race so far among Egyptians in Saudi Arabia, Egyptian Ambassador in…
In run-up to election, local polls produce both anticipation and skepticism

In run-up to election, local polls produce both anticipation and skepticism

Over the past 60 years, the only use for public opinion polling ahead of presidential election in Egypt would have…
Bicycles keep girls in school in poor Indian state, giving hope for better literacy

Bicycles keep girls in school in poor Indian state, giving hope for better literacy

RAMPUR SINGHARA, India — The daily trip to high school was expensive, long and eventually too much for Indian teenager…
Egyptian presidential campaign blackout begins

Egyptian presidential campaign blackout begins

A ban on presidential campaigning entered into force on Monday with two days to go for Egypt's first election since…
Israeli expert: Moussa a rival, but Abouel Fotouh hostile to Israel

Israeli expert: Moussa a rival, but Abouel Fotouh hostile to Israel

Presidential candidate Amr Moussa sees Israel as a rival that should be fought through diplomatic and political means, as opposed…
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