
Shafiq leads presidential race for second week in cabinet-conducted poll

Shafiq leads presidential race for second week in cabinet-conducted poll

A presidetial election poll conducted by the cabinet-affiliated Center for Information and Decision Support showed Ahmed Shafiq in the lead…
USAID funds Egypt’s presidential elections with $3 million

USAID funds Egypt’s presidential elections with $3 million

The Egypt director of the US governmental aid organization said it has provided US$3 million to the high elections commission…
Alexandria church bombing trial adjourned to 2 June

Alexandria church bombing trial adjourned to 2 June

An Alexandria court has further postponed the case of the bombing of Qedeseen Church trial to a 2 June court…
Interior Ministry announces plan to secure presidential election

Interior Ministry announces plan to secure presidential election

A security source revealed to Youm7 newspaper Saturday the Interior Ministry's security plan to secure the presidential elections, scheduled for next…
Silent Majority Movement is ‘neutral towards presidential candidates’

Silent Majority Movement is ‘neutral towards presidential candidates’

The Silent Majority Movement, one of the biggest movements supporting the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, has said…
Tagammu to withdraw Bastawisi if strong consensus candidate emerges

Tagammu to withdraw Bastawisi if strong consensus candidate emerges

Tagammu Party on Saturday said it will withdraw its presidential candidate, Hesham al-Bastawisi, if leftist and democratic powers agree to…
April 6 movement launches campaign against Shafiq, Moussa

April 6 movement launches campaign against Shafiq, Moussa

The April 6 Youth Movement in Luxor launched a campaign on Friday to raise awareness among the governorate's residents that…
MP submits motion on ‘Shia tide’ in Egypt

MP submits motion on ‘Shia tide’ in Egypt

MP Yasser al-Qady has submitted a parliamentary motion calling on the prime minister and the ministers of interior and endowments…
Calls return for boycotting ‘murky’ elections

Calls return for boycotting ‘murky’ elections

Out of some 53 million eligible voters, tens of millions are expected to partake in Egypt’s upcoming presidential elections. An…
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